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Study of conflictоlogical competency of teaching staff on the example of Todor Rachinski Innovative vocational school of agriculture, General Toshevo, Bulgaria

Кristiana Ivanova

Todor Rachinski Innovative Vocational School of Agriculture, General Toshevo, Bulgaria

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Silvena Yordanova

 Varna University of Management, Varna, Bulgaria

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Abstract. In today's dynamic world we live in, we encounter manifestations of aggression every day. This requires new management methods to resolve conflicts. Recently, there has been talk about the development of the so-called conflictological competence and the related emotional intelligence as a concern of the modern manager. The personal qualities of the leader and his professional skills are of great importance for creating a good microclimate. Conflict management is a challenge for the modern leader. He must regulate his own activity and the activity of others, according to the rapidly changing conditions and circumstances, to make thoughtful but bold and quick decisions, to convince his colleagues of the correctness of these decisions and to motivate them to implement them.

The present study aims to examine the conflictological competence of pedagogical specialists at the Todor Rachinski Innovative Vocational School of Agriculture, General Toshevo, in order to derive valid tools for conflict management for the implementation of modern educational policies. Various problems for resolving conflicts in the pedagogical environment are outlined. The analysis of this problem is of interest to the researchers: the observations and conclusions are useful for his actual practice as a manager, but would be interesting for analysis by those managers who want to compare their own management policies with those provided in this study.

© 2020 Varna University of Management. All rights reserved.

Keywords: competence, conflict, conflictological competences, conflict management

Citation: Ivanova, K. and Yordanova, S. (2020). Study of conflictоlogical competency of teaching staff on the example of Todor Rachinski Innovative vocational school of agriculture, General Toshevo, Bulgaria. Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management 4, pp. 18-30