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Educational Policies for Effective Secondary School Management


Valya Lungova

Dimitar Talev Secondary school, 16 Gen. George Popov Str., Dobrich 9300, Bulgaria, Тel: +359 58 690 390, Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Clearly formulated educational policies used in secondary school management are an extremely important prerequisite for achieving motivation for teaching and learning so as to achieve a learning process leading to high results in the lesson, and in perspective to a successful professional and lifelong learning realization of the students. They affect all human resources in the educational process. These are students, teachers, parents, local community organizations, business partners, and others. The purpose of this article is to research and systematize policies implemented in Bulgarian school management by making comparisons between educational systems of leading countries in the field of education such as Austria, Australia and Canada. The selection of the subject of the research falls to Dimitar Talev Secondary School, Dobrich, Republic of Bulgaria, where the author works as a member of the management team.

Conclusions made after monitoring, surveying, summarizing, questioning, and analyzing the results clearly demonstrate that successful educational policies should be based not only on good national experience but rather on reflecting effective global practices - a part of the competence of the contemporary manager, knowing the innovations and applying them according to the specifics of the country and the institution that he manages.

The comparative analysis of the Bulgarian education policies and those of the countries of three continents leads to a set of up-to-date educational policies that strengthen the image of the institution and increase its authority on the educational market. Their systematization builds on the theoretical framework of the study. Among the most important policies are the rise of education as a social value, the planning as a decision-making process, the inclusion of students in active work, the high status of teacher work, the involvement of parents in school life as partners, health education, volunteering, etc. The set of successful policies enables the modern manager of an educational institution to measure his managerial approaches and solutions to internationally established ones.

The contribution of the study is especially valuable to new managers of educational institutions as it is well known that preliminary theoretical and practical training of this kind of staff is not yet carried out.

© 2017 Varna University of Management. All rights reserved.

Keywords: policy, a set of educational policies, the cycle of policy making in education.

Citation: Lungova, V. (2017) Educational Policies for Effective Secondary School Management. Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management 1, pp. 59-83


Образователни политики за ефективно управление на средното училище


Валя Лунгова

СУ „Димитър Талев“, ул. „Ген. Георги Попов“ 16, Добрич 9300, Тел: +359 58 690 390, Е-мейл: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Ясно формулираните образователни политики, използвани в мениджмънта на  средното училище, са изключително важна предпоставка за постигането на мотивация за преподаване и учене така, че да се постига учебен процес, водещ до високи резултати от урочната работа, а в перспектива - до успешна професионална и житейска реализация на учениците. Те засягат всички човешки ресурси в образователния процес. Това са ученици, учители, родители, организации от местната общност, бизнес партньори и др. Цел на настоящата статия е да се изследват и систематизират провеждани в управлението на българско училище политики, като се направи съпоставка между образователните системи на водещи в сферата на образованието страни като Австрия, Австралия и Канада. Изборът на обект на изследването пада на едно водещо Средно училище „Димитър Талев“, гр. Добрич, Република България, където работи авторът като член на мениджърския екип.             

Изводите, направени след наблюдение, проучване, обобщение, анкетиране и анализиране на резултатите, показват категорично, че успешните образователни политики трябва да почиват не само на добрия национален опит, а да отразяват ефективните практики в световен мащаб - част от компетентността на съвременния ръководител, познаващ новостите и прилагащ ги според спецификата на страната, на институцията, която управлява.

Сравнителният анализ на българските образователни политики и тези на държавите от три континента води до набор от актуални образователни политики, които утвърждават имиджа на институцията и издигат авторитета й на образователния пазар. Тяхното систематизиране изгражда теоретичната рамка на изследването. Сред най-важните политики се нареждат издигането на образованието като социална ценност, планирането като процес на вземане на решения, включването на учениците в активна дейност, високият статус на учителския труд, участието на родителите в училищния живот като партньори, здравното възпитание, доброволчеството и др. Наборът от успешни полтики дават възможност на съвременния мениджър на образователна институция да съизмерва мениджърските си подходи и решения спрямо утвърдени в международен мащаб.

Приносът на изследването е особено ценен за начинаещите мениджъри на образователни институции, тъй като е всеизвестно, че все още не се провежда предварителна теоретична и практическа подготовка на този тип кадри.

Ключови думи: политика, набор от образователни политики, цикличност на създавенето на политики в образованието.

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Project Direct Connections: Preparing Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Teachers to Work with Others


Laurie Dinnebeil

Department of Early Childhood Education, Higher Education & Special Education

University of Toledo MS 954, Tel: 419 530 4118, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



As early childhood inclusion becomes a reality for many children, families, and professionals, it is increasingly important that early childhood/special education (ECSE) teachers have the requisite knowledge and skills to work effectively with other adults.  Unfortunately, most ECSE teachers receive very little preparation as part of their preservice education program. The purpose of Project DIRECT Connections (PDC) was to prepare itinerant ECSE teachers to work effectively with other adults such as parents and general education teachers (e.g., preschool teachers, childcare providers) through a consultative service delivery model.  PDC provided a two-year, part-time online program of study that included opportunities to develop and enhance the knowledge and skills itinerant teachers need to work effectively with other adults. Self-report, pre/post measures completed by the candidates demonstrated significant increases in their knowledge and skills related to effective consultation, coaching, and communication skills.

© 2017 Varna University of Management. All rights reserved.

Keywords:  professional development, teaming and collaboration, early childhood inclusion

Citation: Dinnebeil, L. (2017) Project Direct Connections: Preparing Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Teachers to Work with Others. Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management 1, pp.45-58

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The Reciprocal Relationship between Motivation and Level of Participation in a Voluntary College-Preparatory Program


Christine M. Knaggs (corresponding author)

Adrian College, 110 S. Madison St., Adrian, MI 49221, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Toni A. Sondergeld

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

John M. Fischer

Bowling Green State University, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs, Bowling Green, Ohio


To combat college-readiness inequity, urban high school college preparatory reform efforts have taken root. The researchers used a case study approach to determine differences in motivation between high school seniors who chose to actively participate in GEAR-UP, a college-preparatory program, (active group and others who did not (passive group). Ryan and Deci’s Self-Determination Theory was used to frame the program, provide structure to data analysis, and interpret findings. Patterns in motivation and aspirations were found that showed a reciprocal relationship between motivation and level of program participation. Additionally, active participants demonstrated higher high school academic and non-academic college-ready outcomes and college enrollment than passive group students.

© 2017 Varna University of Management. All rights reserved.

Keywords: college-preparatory programs, self-determination theory, motivation, persistence

Citation: Knaggs, C., Sondergeld, T., Fischer, J. (2017) The Reciprocal Relationship between Motivation and Level of Participation in a Voluntary College-Preparatory Program. Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management 1, pp. 6-25

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Peer-led Discussions: A Context for Students to Practice, Develop, and Refine Their Comprehension Abilities


Vanessa B. Morrison

Adrian College, Teacher Education, 110 S. Madison Street, Adrian, MI 49221, Tel: 517-264-3952, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The purpose of this study was to investigate how two small groups of fifth graders constructed meaning of narrative text during peer-led discussions. Data collection occurred across six months and included individual and small group student interviews, teacher interviews, audio tape recording, and verbatim transcriptions of the audio tapes, author’s field notes, and students’ artifacts. Transcriptions and observational field notes were examined and coded for instances of students’ meaning making talk. Findings indicated: (1) Fifth graders in this study initiated and maintained meaningful talk of narrative text in peer-led settings with minimum teacher intervention; (2) Students used numerous cognitive processes to generate higher levels of awareness to enhance understanding for all group members as they engaged in the collaborative discussions.

© 2017 Varna University of Management. All rights reserved.

Keywords: comprehension, collaboration, peer-led discussions     

Citation: Morrison, V. (2017) Peer-led Discussions: A Context for Students to Practice, Develop, and Refine Their Comprehension Abilities, Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management 1, pp. 26-44